Dental implants are screw like metal posts which are implanted into the jaw bone to restore the tooth structure back.

Dental implants are small threaded posts that are used to replace missing teeth. It helps in your appearance and also helps in chewing just like your natural teeth.
A dental implant is divided into 3 parts:
Threaded post:
It is a metal post which acts like your tooth root. Dentist places it in your jawbone .
It is a small connector which connects crown to the metal post.It is screwed into ur metal post & it acts as a foundation for the crown.
Prothesis is a restoration of the natural dentition. Implant prosthesis include crown ,bridge and dentures.

People who are missing one or several or all of their teeth due to some infection or trauma should go for dental implants.
If you have single missing teeth & you want to replace it than go for implant.
If all your teeth are missing and you don’t want denture which are difficult to maintain as it needs regular cleaning than go for full mouth implants.
If any of your teeth is extracted due infection or other factor than get it replaced by implant.
If your are suffering bone loss due to missing teeth than dental is best solution.
If you want fixed teeth & don’t want dentures than implants are permanent solutions.
To get dental implants some health parameters are considered like having good oral health, having enough bone in your jaw to hold implant, having healthy gum tissue with no periodontal disease.
Placement of the implant:
Dentist will make a incison with blade and open up your gum to expose your bone. Than they will drill hole into your bone and widen it until it’s the size of your implant. And will place the implant into your bone. After that they will close the incision with stitches.
Healing phase:
Your jawbone grows into and around the implant. It takes few months for this procedure.
Abutment & crown placement:
when the implant is properly fixed in bone, a small connector called abutment is placed on it and later the crown is fixed on it.

Dental implants are closest thing to natural teeth.
Dental implant prevents loss of bone which happens if a tooth is missing.
It also prevents loss of bone which happen in denture patients.
It restores your confidence as it resembles your natural teeth.
You can chew as before
It also supports your facial muscles which gives younger look.
As its fixed you don’t have to care for it like you do to your dentures.
It aligns with your adjacent teeth.
Thus dental implants are permanent solutions to your loss tooth.